Make Your Vision Your Life

Does life just happen to you, or are you living a life according to your vision,
your goals, and your purpose?

Experience a FREE 3-part class and discover how to create a vision oriented life that aligns with your higher purpose.

No matter your age, past experiences, future goals or personal challenges, you have the power to change your reality.

Add creativity and passion in your life to move forward with inner joy. Explore your own unique Neural Reference Points to take back control over involuntary actions (or lack of actions) holding you back and use them instead to create simple and powerful shifts on your terms.


Experience this FREE 3 Part Class and give your
subconscious a to-do list for your success.



“Create a life that you are passionate about.  When you love what you do and how you serve, you can experience bliss and attract more prosperity in your life.”

~ Mashhur Anam

Make Your Vision Your Life - Mashhur Anam, Life Harmonized

Part 1:


Learn the importance of creating a vision oriented life – a life focused on your overall mission – and experience the powerful difference in your neural network to have your life and your vision in alignment.


Master simple mind-shifts necessary to achieve success – Understand what Neural Reference Points are and change your Neural Reference Points for success.


Your brain is also a search engine – give it the right keywords to look up and delete old definitions no longer serving you.


Address short term and long term goals to achieve success in a way that actually works – no longer setting the same goals over and over again while never actually reaching them.


Infuse science, technology and spirituality to achieve what you desire (you don’t have to give up one to have the others!).

Make Your Vision Your Life - Mashhur Anam, Life Harmonized

Part 2:


Create your Personal Power Vortex – Learn what an energy vortex is and how to quickly create your own Personal Power Vortex daily to attract what you want and neutralize what is not beneficial for you.


Get on the path of consciousness expansion – Learn how it influences all parts of your life, and the infinite potential you have for growth and expansion.


Discover how your energy and the energy of your environment influence you and simple steps to take to bring more beneficial energy in while harmonizing non-beneficial energy.


Experience a guided journey and processing to align with a stronger flow of cosmic energy and your higher vision.

Make Your Vision Your Life - Mashhur Anam, Life Harmonized

Part 3:


Develop a Road Map for your success – where would you like to be in 1 year? In 3 years? In 5 years?


Experience the feeling of unlimited possibility when you free yourself from external expectations and create a road map entirely based on your vision and your definition of success.


Give your subconscious mind tasks to complete, moving you toward your goals even while you’re doing other tasks daily.


Learn an easy way to focus on your vision daily to imprint new information in your subconscious, increasing your successes and achieving them faster.


Experience a guided journey and processing to raise your abundance vibration and focusing on your vision oriented life.

Make Your Vision Your Life

Experience a FREE 3-part class and discover how to create a vision oriented life that aligns with your higher purpose.

About your facilitator:


Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives. Curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it. He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.